Social concepts and their referents articulated in the constitutional definition of marriage (specialist expertise)

Social concepts and their referents articulated in the constitutional definition of marriage (specialist expertise)


In his study, Professor Adam Biela drew attention to three issues concerning the constitutional definition of marriage (formulated in Article 18 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997). First, the Professor presented the social concepts included in this definition and the systems of relations between the designates of these concepts, in the above-mentioned analyzes the author used some concepts in the field of semiotics and the logic of relations (indicating which developmental aspects are inherent in the Polish definition of marriage), in Next, the author discussed marital and family relationships as the anthropological pillars of culture and civilization. The said study uses two examples reaching deep into the above-mentioned relations, namely the psychosocial meaning of the first sentence written in Polish in the Book of Henryków from 1270 and the discussion of the psychological sketch of Antoni Gaudi’s architectural work – Sagrada Familia, in terms of family and professional roles.

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