Dysfunctions of the institution of marriage as a source of deprivation of the child’s sense of security (expert opinion)

Dysfunctions of the institution of marriage as a source of deprivation of the child’s sense of security (expert opinion)


In the expert opinion prepared by Dr. Marek Ozimek, the subject of dysfunction of the institution of marriage as a source of deprivation of a child’s sense of security is considered. According to the author of the study: the occurrence of factors limiting or disorganizing the family and affecting its dysfunctionality (which can transform into pathological behavior) is inscribed in the historical process of man, family and larger formalized social groups. It should be remembered that the disturbance of the essential structural features of the family, primarily through the breakdown of the marriage, results in the lack of appropriate conditions for social integration of the members of a given family, which in turn leads to the breakdown of family ties and a drastic decrease in its potential to provide the child with a sense of security in all its areas relevant to the family. .

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