Definition of Marriage and Its Impact on the Institution of Parenthood in Hungarian Law (expert opinion)

Definition of Marriage and Its Impact on the Institution of Parenthood in Hungarian Law (expert opinion)

Definicja małżeństwa oraz jej wpływ na instytucję rodzicielstwa w prawie Węgier (ekspertyza specjalistyczna)

As indicated in the introduction, Hungary’s policy towards the institution of marriage and family can be analyzed in two dimensions: state policy towards marriage and family and legal regulations, which include, among others: adding more specific definitions to the institution of marriage and family to the constitution. As Dr. Dominik Héjj, the author of this study, writes: It should be borne in mind that some of the provisions defining the family remain exclusively in the sphere of a kind of ideological manifesto of the parliamentary majority.

We invite you to read the full content of the expert opinion.

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